How to enter
In order to enter you MUST have your class video links ready and handy!
1. Find your division to place classes you are ready to enter into your cart. Click on the class you want to enter.
2. Add the selected class to your cart (Classes are now $10/class)

3. If you want to enter more classes continue shopping. If you are ready to checkout, click proceed to check out.

4. You will fill out one entry form for each class enter. You can tell which class you are filling out for by looking in the top left hand corner. Fill out the information required. If you don't have a back number one will be assigned once your entry is received.

5. Make your payment. You may pay by Paypal, Venmo or your credit/debit card (via stripe)

6. You will need to make a customer account.

7. Provide your shipping and billing information. Shipping will be free!
8. Add your payment information and complete your order!

****IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR SERIES END RIBBON CHOICE ON FILE PLEASE ADD SERIES RIBBON OPTIONS TO YOUR CART. Select the option you want. You may make changes at any time during the series. You will not recieve a charge for selecting this.

1. Find your division to place classes you are ready to enter into your cart. Click on the class you want to enter.

2. Add the selected class to your cart (Classes are now $10/class)

3. If you want to enter more classes continue shopping. If you are ready to checkout, click proceed to check out.

4. You will fill out one entry form for each class enter. You can tell which class you are filling out for by looking in the top left hand corner. Fill out the information required. If you don't have a back number one will be assigned once your entry is received.

5. Make your payment. You may pay by Paypal, Venmo or your credit/debit card (via stripe)

6. You will need to make a customer account.

7. Provide your shipping and billing information. Shipping will be free!
8. Add your payment information and complete your order!

****IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR SERIES END RIBBON CHOICE ON FILE PLEASE ADD SERIES RIBBON OPTIONS TO YOUR CART. Select the option you want. You may make changes at any time during the series. You will not recieve a charge for selecting this.